24 Halsted Street - Newton - New Jersey - 07860 - (973) 383-1985
"Altar Servers exercise a genuine liturgical ministry. They ought therefore to discharge their office with the sincere piety and decorum demanded by their ministry and rightly expected of them by God’s people. They must have a deep sense of the spirit of the liturgy and be trained to perform their functions in a correct and orderly manner" (Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy 29).
"Assistance at the altar by servers represents a long liturgical tradition. These servers enhance the quality of the celebration for the whole gathered assembly by taking part in processions and by ensuring that all items required for the celebration are available at the appropriate moments" (Introduction to the Order of Mass, #22).
The Vatican Council expressed the importance of having a number of ministers, in addition to the priest, for the fullest celebration of the liturgy. In the spirit of the ongoing renewal liturgy requires that Altar Servers are lay men and women, girls and boys, who are designated to assist the priest and the deacon at Mass. Ordinarily, they are responsible for the cross, the candles, the incense and the censer. They hold the book for the priest at the chair, assist the priest during the preparation of the gifts and they wash the hands of the priest. In general, they assist the priest and deacon when necessary. (General Instruction of the Roman Missal - GIRM #100).
Here at Saint Joseph Church we welcome any and all children, young men and women to come and be part of this important ministry. It is the personal belief of the parish priest that "doing is learning." "Many times as the former ecclesiastical secretary to a bishop, it was my task to deal with the atlar servers at each Mass the bishop presided at in church. Of course, Mass without the bishop is much more simple and requires less altar servers, nonetheless, 'doing is learning.'" So rather than have any formal classes which require those interested in memorizing names of sacred objects, prayers and liturgical movements, it is best to just come and practice by doing.
If you might be interested in joining this wonderful ministry in our church, please do not hesitate to speak with Father before or after Mass on Saturday/Sunday or email him at: [email protected].