24 Halsted Street - Newton - New Jersey - 07860 - (973) 383-1985
On December 21, 1906, Emma and Martin Ware, Jr. sold a piece of property on Route 206 which began at the "heap of stones on a high ledge of rocks, being a corner of what is known as Babbitt Farm (the former estate of Wlater C. Whittingham) and the third-most westerly corner of a tract of land conveyed by Martin Ward, Sr. and his wife to Lydai Ann Toy (Juyl 1, 1896) and recorded in the Sussex County Clerk's Office (Deeds Book E-9, page 283) which wasa piece of land running; 1.) North sixty degrees thirty minutes East seven chains to a heap of stones, the fourth corner of the whole tract, 2.) South sixty four degrees East two chains to a heap of stones on the rocks, the fifth corner of said whole tract, 3.) North fifty-nine and three quarters degrees East one chain and fifteen links to a stone heap in the fifth line of said whole tract, 4.) South thirty four degrees East five chains and seventy-five links to a stake in the South Easter edge of the Springdale Road and in the eleventh line of said whole tract on said line, 5.) Sourth fifty-seven degrees West five chains and ninty-one links to a stake by the fence, formerly a cedar tree, the beginning corner of said whole tract, 6.) South forty-two degrees forty-give minutes West one chain and nintety links to a stake in the fence on the South East side of said road, the second corner of saie whole tract and a corner of the Whittingham Estate, 7.) North forty-two degreesforty five minutes West nine chains to the place of beginning. Containing thirty seven hundredths acres of land, more of less.
To be continued...
Five hundred and seventy-three dollars and thirty cent s ($573.30).