In 1914, the church executed the twelve (12) paintings which line the sides of the Gothic upper story of the church. The following are a list of the subjects of the paintings and their donors:
1. The Annunciation: given in loving memory of Michael Quinn 2. The Marriage of Mary & Joseph: loving memory of MM Fabia Weiss 3. The Visitation: Gift of the Children of Mary 4. The Nativity and the Adoration of the Kings: Gift of the Polish parishioners 5. Warning to Saint Joseph: given by Robert Hamil 6. Presentation in the Temple and Flight into Egypt: in loving memory of William J. Clary 7. Going up to Jerusalem: in memory of Father James Mulhall, former pastor. 8. Finding of the Christ child in the Temple: Father Robert, former pastor. 9. The Home of Nazareth: Children of Saint Joseph Church 10. Death of Saint Joseph: in loving memory of deceased pastors of Saint Joseph Church